Sunday, December 21, 2008

Life Sings Her Beautiful Lullaby (but I don't yet want to sleep)

Pending departure,
Your fragrance has become significantly more potent
(incredibly luring)
I smelled it on the wind that rushed past my body
It lingered on my clothes and in my hair when I returned home.

The aroma of beauty and vulnerability
of friendships and love
The memories of our pasts
and desires for my future...
These came together in a rush
A symphony of immense proportions
Cymbals crashing, violins singing, flutes trilling and timpani rumbling
The utter crescendo of life!
Which then quieted into the most beautiful silence.

Yesterday the world looked more beautiful
More glorious than normal
One might contend it was the best weather of the year,
Or the basic presence of excitement,
But in my closing argument,
I would label it nothing less than love.

My beautiful friends,
It has always been clear
That there will be an Orlando-shaped hole in my heart come this winter.
But it has never been more obvious,
The magnificence that you have taught me
Through relationship, love, and accountability.

Is there a word for this feeling in my heart?
This overwhelming, overcoming appreciation for you and your part in my life?
To classify it as affection, happiness, adoration, longing, or sadness is a feeble attempt at absolute best;
These words combine into a shadowy, colorless, and shapeless drawing 
Instead of the bright beautiful colors containing the actual welling up in my soul.

I love you, dear friends.

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About Me

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I live amongst the dragons and the warriors of the 21st century. I surround myself with both the peasants, the aristocrats; the knights and the maidens. For a long time (now quite in the past), I wove the structure of my life around the mold others saw for me. I've since learned to live for God and myself. Freedom comes and goes as I remember this lesson of mine. But my life is MY life: a series of events and remembering such. And this, this beautiful montage, is why I wake up every morning. God willing.